Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Razor E100 Electric Scooter Blue

The electric scooter has come a long way since the early 1900s. It is not uncommon these days to see kids zooming by going 10-15 mph with their silently humming electric scooter. Similarly, there are now way too many models to choose from that it makes ones head spin just thinking about them all.
However, one model seems to favor by many young riders. It stands out like a beacon of light among a mountain of cheap imitations. That is the Razor E100.
The Razor E100 is a sleek electric scooter with ultra-quiet belt-driven motor and twist-grip throttle. It requires a small manual kickoff to 3 mph before trigger engages motor. The motor cruises at speeds of up to 10 mph and can be used up to 40 minutes at a stretch. It is recommended for ages 8 and older with a maximum weight of 120 pounds.
This scooter seems to be made specifically for young children between the eight of 8 to 12. It is fast enough for them to enjoy but slow enough for safety conscious parents. The scooter is also easy to learn to ride.
It is also very easy to put together and charge. It takes eight hours to fully charge. Most people leave it charge overnight.
One major concern expressed by riders is that the chain guard is too low. As a result, the chain guard often drags the pavement on sharp turns. This will eventually wear out the chain guard prematurely.
This lightweight sturdy electric scooter is highly recommended by parents. It is rated 4.2 out of 5 stars with 165 customer reviews on Amazons. If you are shopping for an electric scooter for your child don't pass up this model. Compare the specs and you'll probably agree that this is a good buy.

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